P.I.D. Radio 5/26/14: Revenge Against Humanity
THE KID wanted to be adored. Sadly, it appears that a lunatic fringe is giving Elliot Rodger in death what he claimed he never got in life.
THE KID wanted to be adored. Sadly, it appears that a lunatic fringe is giving Elliot Rodger in death what he claimed he never got in life.
SOMEONE SHOULD have warned First Lady Michelle Obama that appearing in a Twitter photo holding up a #BringBackOurGirls sign was a bad idea. It took about 15 minutes for the picture to be Photoshopped. Worse, it made the government of the United States look juvenile.
THE SHOOTINGS at Fort Hood on November 5 dominate the news today, and rightly so. We discuss Major Nidal Malik Hasan and his connection to a couple of the 9/11 hijackers. We also discussed an odd detail connected to the shootings in Orlando the day after the terror event at Fort Hood. And what is reported as an H1N1 outbreak in Ukraine continues to spread rapidly. As of today, over a million have contracted the flu, nearly 53,000 are hospitalized, and 174 have died.