P.I.D. Radio 3/29/10: Angry White Men
THE MEDIA is calling the group rounded up in Michigan over the weekend a Christian militia. A few minutes on the website of the Hutaree is enough to show that… Read more »
THE MEDIA is calling the group rounded up in Michigan over the weekend a Christian militia. A few minutes on the website of the Hutaree is enough to show that… Read more »
THE SKY over Norway almost literally exploded December 9, 2009, the night before President Barack Obama arrived in Oslo to receive his Nobel War Peace Prize. Experts claim it was a failed Russian missile test, but the timing seems a little odd.
Our focus today was on The Manhattan Declaration, a position paper issued Nov. 20, 2009 by a group of prominent Christian leaders. In short, the declaration calls Orthodox, Catholic, and evangelical Christians to defend the sanctity of human life, the dignity of marriage, and the rights of conscience and religious liberty. Those are unquestionably values on which Christians can agree — but is it a statement of faith or a dominionist political platform?