Tag: Barack Obama

P.I.D. Radio 8/13/09: Adherents of the Repeated Meme

THE TITLE of tonight’s show is a reference to an episode of BBC sci-fi series Doctor Who which a religious order that dressed like ninja monks — Adherents of the Repeated Meme. It’s a fitting title for the major media, which keeps reminds us that the ranks of militia groups are swelling, hate crimes are on the rise, and a record number of threats are being recorded against President Barack Obama — all because disgruntled conservative (Christian) white people can’t find jobs, tolerate gays, or accept that an African-American sits in the Oval Office.

P.I.D. Radio 8/5/09: Green Monkeys and Swine Flu

DRAWING ON her experience as a molecular biologist, Sharon highlights some interesting connections in tonight’s show: it appears that DynCorp, a longtime military contractor and suspected CIA cutout, has its fingers in a company that just announced a successful H1N1 vaccine — and saw its stock price jump 21% today.

P.I.D. Radio 8/4/09: Single Payer Player

AFTER THE excitement of torrential rains this morning and Sam’s big adventure in the backyard this afternoon, settling in to talk about whether or not the president wants to nationalize health care is positively relaxing. Also: it’s President Obama’s birthday — where was he born (hint: it’s Hawaii, and if you even HINT otherwise, you’re clearly a racist xenophobic wingnut who needs to be stopped at all costs)?