Tag: Israel

P.I.D. Radio 9/6/09: Preparations

PREPAREDNESS, AS any Boy Scout knows, is important. Even the ancient Canaanites knew it, as evidenced by the recently discovered 26 foot high walls built with 4-5 ton boulders in Jerusalem. The walls connected to towers with walls 12-and-a-half feet thick, all to guard the path to the city’s only water supply, the Gihon Spring. So who or what was such a threat in 1800 B.C. that you needed 26-foot walls to keep them out?

P.I.D. Radio 8/11/09: Bloodless Faith

WE DON’T mean human blood. God was pretty clear on shedding the precious bodily fluids of our brothers and sisters. But the shed blood of Jesus of Nazareth, which is the key to the Christian faith, is missing in most churches today. That’s why it’s so easy to be distracted by leadership conferences with big name speakers and ecumenical movements that preach peace, tolerance, and good works.