P.I.D. Radio 5/10/15: Theology from Fiction
THE TELEVISION series Dig is a well-written and stylish archaeological thriller. We discuss elements of the show and the tendency of people — selves included — to incorporate fiction into our theology.
THE TELEVISION series Dig is a well-written and stylish archaeological thriller. We discuss elements of the show and the tendency of people — selves included — to incorporate fiction into our theology.
JUST WHEN we thought the furor over Slender Man had died down, a Florida teen fascinated with the fictional horror character tried to incinerate her family by setting her home on fire while they slept. We discuss concept of the tulpa and the possibility that demons may be using the phenomenon to influence teens looking for supernatural power.
…MEANS THE United States has to keep sending aid to Egypt. As the Egyptian military keeps ousted President Morsi under arrest (but it’s not a coup!), a technocrat — former… Read more »