P.I.D. Radio 3/22/25: March Madness! (It’s Not Basketball)


SOCIAL MEDIA is abuzz! Not with NCAA basketball—with the JFK conspiracy archives and the alleged discovery of “a vast underground city” beneath the pyramids at Giza. 

It’s really not that exciting. 

First, a conspiracy powerful enough to take down an American president, especially if it involved the intelligence community (CIA, NSA, etc.), isn’t likely to be incompetent enough to leave a paper trail—especially with more than 60 years to scrub the files. So far, there doesn’t appear to be anything new in the files released this week in response to President Trump’s executive order. 

The claim that the files prove that Israel was involved in the plot is based on bias confirmation and poor reading comprehension. To summarize, it made no sense for Israel to replace a Massachusetts liberal with a Texan backed by Big Oil, which made lots of money dealing with Israel’s oil-rich Arab enemies. LBJ was less a friend to Israel than JFK. 

However, there are plenty of odd and mysterious links between the JFK plot and the UFO/UAP phenomenon. The earliest UFO flaps—the Maury Island incident and the Kenneth Arnold sighting in the Pacific Northwest—were investigated by FBI agent Guy Banister, who later turned up in New Orleans as a private detective with an office in the same building as Lee Harvey Oswald’s branch of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee. 

We also discuss The Nine and its odd connections to the JFK conspiracy, the CIA, several old money families, Israeli psychic Uri Geller, and Star Trek. You can read more in this excerpt from the new book Destination: Earth, which Derek co-authored with Donna Howell and Allie Anderson: https://gilberthouse.substack.com/p/the-nine

Then we tackle the claim that researchers have made an earth-shaking discovery beneath the Giza plateau. The stunning images you may have seen are not what the ground-penetrating radar revealed. They are an artist’s imagination of what the rainbow colored blobs might look like—if we suspend belief in physics, engineering, history, and common sense. 

In short, the so-called discovery is based on a paper that hasn’t been peer reviewed. (You can read it here: https://www.mdpi.com/2072-4292/14/20/5231) Now, we understand that peer review doesn’t necessarily mean something is true; there is a growing body of peer reviewed papers that are being retracted because the process is more about gatekeeping than encouraging cutting edge science. 

But the fact that the paper wasn’t even submitted for review—and that now, more than two years after it was published, the authors announced their findings again via social media—suggests that, like Fox Mulder on The X-Files, they simply want to believe.

Sharon’s niece, Sarah Sachleben, was recently diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer, and the medical bills are piling up. If you are led to help, please go to GilbertHouse.org/hopeforsarah

Our new book The Gates of Hell is now available in paperback, Kindle, and as an audiobook at Audible!

Derek’s new book Destination: Earth, co-authored with Donna Howell and Allie Anderson, is now available in paperback, Kindle, and as an audiobook at Audible!

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