P.I.D. Radio 1/6/24: The Miami Alien and Other Distractions

Lego Sharon and Lego Derek in the Libratory, designed and built by our young friend Theo Todd (click to enlarge).

NEW YEAR’S DAY brought unexpected excitement to Miami: Dozens of police officers responded to a call of teens fighting and setting off fireworks at a mall. The incident has gone viral as a video on social media claims to show a 7-to-10 foot tall “alien” skulking near the police cars.

As with anything spectacular that draws public attention, like the publication of a certain list this week (which contained nothing we didn’t already know), we look at the other hand to see what we’re not supposed to notice.

It could be the situation at the US-Mexico border, where Customs and Border Protection processed—meaning “released into the country, probably with cash, a phone, and a notice to appear for an asylum hearing in three years”—more than 300,000 illegal migrants during the month of December, a new record. There are now more illegals entering the United States than new babies born to US citizens.

The distraction may also be to draw our attention away from the global economy, which is about to take a hit from Yemen effectively cutting off access to the Suez Canal. Operation Prosperity Guardian, the American mission to protect cargo ships in the Red Sea, has failed, and about 10–12% of global trade is now being routed around the southern tip of Africa, adding cost and two to three weeks to shipping time.

We also discuss a growing movement in Iran to reject Islam as “an Arab religion.” This is a nationalist movement that wants to bring back Zoroastrianism, the worship of Ahura Mazda, but it is also opening the door to the gospel.

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