P.I.D. Radio 8/5/23: Banks Prepare for the Mark


A SCANDAL has blown up in the United Kingdom as British banks have been exposed for canceling accounts of customers who hold political views deemed unacceptable—in other words, views opposed to ESG, CEI, and other forms of “goodthink” enforced by corporate social justice warriors. 

This hit the news a few weeks ago when GB News presenter and former Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage revealed that his account at Coutts Bank had been canceled without cause. Further, when he contacted other institutions, looking for a new place to keep his money and investments, he was turned down by nine other banks. This smacks of collusion. 

Internal bank communications confirmed that Farage was “de-banked” because of his political views. The point is this: Without a bank, it’s very difficult to get by in today’s world. And forces at work around the world intend to make it even more difficult as the war on cash continues with the rise of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), which, as one prominent economist noted, is not really currency—it’s a system of control. 

Also: Hebrew-language media runs story claiming that red heifers were brought to Israel by Christians hoping to build temple of Antichrist. 

Here’s the link to the Federal Reserve Bank’s FAQ on CBDCs. Don’t worry, CBDCs are “to expand safe payment options, not to reduce or replace them.” (Yeah, right.)

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