THE EBOLA outbreak continues to spread. A health care worker in Dallas who was part of the team treating Thomas Eric Duncan, the first Ebola fatality in the US, has tested positive for the virus. And a clinic in Boston now reports that a patient there who just returned from Liberia has been taken to a hospital. Over 4,000 are dead in west Africa, and that number may be low.
A question that hasn’t been answered yet is how much authority the World Health Organization will have to fight the disease in the U.S. Interestingly, though, an essay at Foreign Policy argues that Obamacare May Hold the Key to Saving the U.S. from Ebola.
Also: Canadian vaccine ships to Geneva this coming week; US government crowdsources a better hazmat suit; Sweden becomes first major EU country to recognize Palestine; and androgyny promoted to middle school kids.
Derek and Sharon join Doug Hamp and Rob Skiba, hosts of Quest 4 Truth, for the first Quest 4 Truth Virtual Conference. This event streams live to the web Saturday and Sunday, November 8 and 9, at You can see, hear, and interact with some great speakers (besides Doug and Rob): John McTernan, Doc Marquis, Daniel Duval, and Freeman Fly. Click here for information and to register.
Note: All who sign up by October 24th will receive over $100 worth of digital resources — ebooks, audio, presentations, and other teaching materials — for free.
Please join us Sunday mornings at 10:30 AM Central Time (GMT -5) for the Gilbert House Fellowship at, a virtual gathering to study the scriptures in chronological order. And check out the website for our forthcoming book on transhumanism, Rise of the Cybergods.
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Wonderful podcast–I enjoyed listening so much. π
When I was a kid, adults used to say that ‘so-and-so’ was “crazy like a fox”–iow, they were crafty, not nuts–I think that’s what we’re dealing with these days, with things like the police stopping someone, then taking all their cash, adjudging them to be going to commit a crime with it in the near future, as though the cops are now ‘psychics’ as well, etc.–it’s blatant theft, but goes along with the growing lawlessness we can see more clearly every day. But, the reason behind it, I think, is to strike fear into our hearts, far more than it is grand theft, or even petty theft, on the part of our ‘authorities’.
You want to hear something that might sound ridiculous on it’s face, yet, to me, seems far more likely than not? Why is it that 3 main charities, 2 of which help children, and the other one helps our military wounded, ask us to commit to giving them “$19” per month? I asked myself why all 3 are asking us for that very same amount, and it wasn’t until during one commercial the amount was broken down to cents–63 cents per day–that it finally occurred me what might be taking place. 63 cents, in occult-luciferian terms, equals 3 6’s–666–then, it hit me that those charities, no matter how much help they might be giving to our children, and wounded soldiers, might also be using those charities to launder money–taking it in, giving some to the charity, then squirreling the rest away for the use of the nwo. To realize that just broke my heart–using our children, and our wounded, to line their own pockets!
And, I totally agree with you, about their attempting to erase the lines between what makes a girl a girl, verses what makes a boy a boy–‘male and female created He them'[Genesis 1:27 KJV]. What also disturbed me is in yet another commercial I saw recently in which it was said that “all” of us can learn “anything” we want to learn, since even Einstein had to learn his “ABC’s” the way we all do–it went on to give the false impression that we are all equally blessed with enough brain-power to use to accomplish anything we’d like–I could even been a whiz at mathematics if I just applied myself hard enough–but–wrong answer!–no way!:)–what was so disturbing to me, though, was their insistence that we are all born with equal amounts of intelligence, so that people like Einstein are not really special in any way at all–that’s just sad, that they would suggest such a thing, especially to suggestible little children!
I am planning to show up soon to one of the Gilbert House Fellowships, so thank you for inviting me to attend!–I just need to write the date and time down on a note and stick it up where I can see it–old age forgetfulness, you know! π God bless.